Ave Verum – Baden – Austria • May 8th – 10th, 2026

Rules of
International Choral Competition


  1. This competition is for children’s, youth, female, male and mixed choirs.
  2. Only amateurs may participate (except conductors)
  3. Choirs must not have more than 48 but at least 16 singers.


  1. All music pieces must be performed a cappella (no instrumental accompaniment).
  2. The net time of singing as well in part A as in part B should be min 12 to max 15 minutes. In case of overtime the performance can be stopped by the jury president.
  3. Secular and sacred pieces are allowed.
  4. Compulsory program part A must at least contain the following music pieces:
    • a piece composed before 1945
    • a piece composed between 1945 and 2000
    • a piece composed after 2000
    • the unison compulsory song (compulsory song will follow soon)
  5. Compulsory program part B „Grand Prix Ave Verum”:
    Free program of wide-spread repertory. One choral piece chosen in part A may be repeated optionally in part B. The performance must consist of a cappella works of at least three different styles/periods.
  6. All choral pieces performed should follow your repertory list. Any changes of this order or key changes must be reported to the jury assistant before the competition.
  7. Long Night of Choral Music
    • Every approved choir is committed to take part at the „Long Night of Choral Music”. A varied program of max 12 minutes may also contain choreography and instrumental accompaniment (piano available).
    • During these concerts the audience will vote on the audience prize


Fill in and send your non-binding online REGISTRATION along with 2-3 audio files (mp3) of your choir not older than 6 months (no payments needed!) to officeaveverumbaden@gmail.com. Deadline of online Registration: October 31st, 2025.

  1. After your non-binding REGISTRATION you will get the ICC AV APPROVAL or DISAPPROVAL.
  2. In case of approval fill in the binding APPLICATION FORM, scan it and send it per email to officeaveverumbaden@gmail.com by latest December 15th, 2025.
    In addition send the filled in and signed APPLICATION FORM by postal service to:
    International Choral Competition Ave Verum
    Marchetstr. 50/1/3
    2500 BADEN
  3. Along with your binding application, please send by email:
    • a short description of the choir and its activities (highlights),
    • a short CV of the conductor (max 50 – 60 words)
    • a current photo of the choir and the conductor (high resolution, jpg or png, min 1600x1200pxs)
  4. Pay the competition fee by latest December 31st, 2025.

See “PAYMENTS” below for details.



Program changes to be communicated: latest by March 1st, 2026.

Send by email latest by March 1st, 2026:

  • one pdf score of each music piece in part A and B
  • for the Long Night of Choral Music send a repertory list only, no scores are needed.
  • English translation of choral pieces where texts are written in other languages but German, English or Latin (in pdf form)
  • In accordance with the Copyright Act the exclusive use of purchased sheet music is strongly recommended. Choirs must have the number of purchased sheet music equal to the number of singers in the choir. Music that has not been published must show a confirmation by the composer for use. Licensed sheet music purchased online must show a match between purchased sheet music and the number of singers in the choir. In any case of problems with the before mentioned please contact the ICC AV artistic director.


Competition Fee

  1. please send your competition fee of € 450,00 per choir (non refundable, except in case of cancellation of ICC AV) to the ICC AV account by international bank transfer by latest December 31st,2025. (NO credit cards accepted!)
  2. bank charges will be at the expense of the choir.
  3. travel costs, room and board must be covered by the choir


International Choral Competition Ave Verum

Hauptplatz 15
2500 Baden/Austria
IBAN: AT63 2020 5015 0000 6075


The cancellation of participation has to be sent to ICC AV in written form signed by the chair or conductor of the choir (scan) by email.


ICC AV- Part A:
1st prize € 3.500,-
2nd prize € 2.500,-
3rd prize € 1.500,-

Special prizes € 500,00 each:

  • Best interpretation of a choral piece composed before 1945
  • Best interpretation of a choral piece composed between 1945 and 2000
  • Best interpretation of a choral piece composed after 2000
  • Best interpretation of the unison compulsory song
  • Best repertory
  • Promotion prize for the best conductor
  • Prize of the audience (non-cash prize)

ICC AV-Part B: Grand Prix Ave Verum € 4.500,-


  1. The jury will consist of internationally renown choral experts
  2. Each jury member evaluates the choir’s competitive program up to 100 points.
  3. Jury evaluation will be based on:
    • Technical performance:
    • intonation, rhythm, phrasing, accuracy with respect to the written notes, articulation and
    • Artistic performance:
    • timing, agogics, dynamics, text-interpretation, balance, accuracy of style, choral sound, stage awareness/performance, programming (variety, assessment of choir´s potentials)
  4. The 6 choirs with the highest amount of points in part A are approved to take part in part B, the GRAND PRIX AVE VERUM
  5. The winner of the „Grand Prix Ave Verum” will be the choir with the highest score of competition part B.
  6. The notification of awards and the ranking will only take place at the official awards ceremony.
  7. All decisions by the jury will be final. Jurisdiction by court is excluded.

Every participating choir will receive a written conclusion of the jury evaluation.


97 – 100 points GOLD SUPERIOR
90 – 96 points GOLD
80 – 89 points SILVER
70 – 79 points BRONZE

Congress Casino photo by Lammerhuber
Baden view photo by Lammerhuber


Accommodation(room and board) and travel costs must be arranged and covered by the choirs.
For accommodation and/or bus transfers during the competition, please contact our partner MONDIAL REISEN: wunderl@mondial.at. For discounts please refer to AVEVERUM!
We recommend to book a hotel/pension directly in Baden or close to Baden not to lose time and energy by driving long distances by bus. Please be aware that the program of the competition is very tough.
Accommodation and transport – here you will find neccessary information and contact details for your travel arrangement.

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